Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Just popping in to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped support our "Pet Photos with Santa" event last month!  With the clinic contribution we will be making a $1000.00 donation to the Lions Foundation Dog Guides!  Yayy!  What a great cause!

...Also wanted to send some warm wishes from everyone at the hospital as well as a special 'hello' to all from my family to yours.  Many blessings for a safe and happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Winrose!

Dr.  Carolyn, Cary and baby Grace...and the doggies Sierra and Beans too of course!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween.  

Once again we are having our Annual Pet Photos with Santa on Sunday, November 20, 2011 (12:00 -3:00 PM).   The proceeds go to Lions Foundation Dog Guides.  All welcome - so come out and join us for some fun and refreshments. 

As the cold weather is approaching, there are some things you should watch for as the upcoming weather changes. 

- If you have a dog, you may want to consider purchasing a coat to help keep the chill out of their bones.  Many pet stores have a variety of coats for your pets as well as booties, etc.  This may help when you are trying to get your pet to go outside to do their business, especially in the case of smaller breeds with no natural undercoat.  It can also help decrease the chance of frostbite.

Be sure to check the underside of your dogs' paws for ice build up as it can cause irritation between the toes. 

If you have an outdoor dog, make sure there is enough bedding in the dog house for warmth and that the water in the dish is not frozen.  If the temperatures drop really low, ensure you have the capabilities of keeping your dog somewhere indoors if needed.

Remember, NEVER to leave your pet unattended for long periods of time in your vehicle during the winter months as hypothermia can still set in even though they are in an enclosed space.  Some signs to watch for are:  Shivering, lethargy, weakness, difficulty breathing.  Frostbite is another thing that can happen if your pet is in the cold for too long.  It usually affects the paws, ears and tail of the pets.  Signs to watch for are:  Cold to the touch, swelling of the affected area, pain of the affected area, discoloration of the affected area. 

If you are not sure if your pet has hypothermia or frostbite, make sure to contact your regular veterinarian to have your pet assessed and treated as necessary.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here comes Halloween

Well its that time again - Happy Halloween!!!  What is scary to your pet?  How about strange people dressed up in scary costumes ringing the doorbell, kocking and yelling "Trick or Treat"!  Some pets can become very stressed at this time of year.  Just be aware that the noise and strangers may frighten your pet and cause them to bolt out the door.  If your pet is greeting people at the door with you, have them on a leash of some sort so that in the event they get SPOOKED, you will still have control.

With all the candy and chocolate lying around during Halloween, chances are even the most well-behaved pet will be tempted to sample the treats or devour the entire stash!  Chocolate can be very toxic so be sure to put the candies up in a high place to avoid any kind of emergency.  If you think your pet has ingested some form of chocolate, please call us immediately as this is an emergency and should not be left untreated.

We also want to let everyone know that we are holding a Bake Sale Event with all the proceeds going to the Cancer Society.  The sale will be held at our clinic on Friday, October 28, 2011.  All welcome!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi seems like forever since I last checked in but we wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very 'Happy Thanksgiving' from our new family and our little 'pumpkin' Grace...and the dogs too of course!!  I have been enjoying a wonderful summer which has been kind enough to not want to end!!

We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends and give your furry friends a little extra 'holiday hug' from all of us at Winrose!

For those of you who have been asking, I'll be back at the hospital part-time as of early November...and I look forward to seeing you all then!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

She's here!!

Hello all...and Happy Canada Day!!

Dr. Eichkorn here again...

Well...I have now been off on maternity leave for an entire month and can honestly say I don't know where the time has gone....

As for the 'big' announcement on our new 'little' arrival...

Grace Michaela arrived in fine style on her due date, June 16th, at 1:18 in the morning weighing in at a substantial 8 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long!!

Mom and Dad and baby are all doing great and the 2 furry kids (ie. Beans and Sierra) seem to be adjusting well to their little human buddy....

I hope you are all beginning to enjoy some of the nice weather we've finally been having and that you all have a spectacular Canada Day!!  Yayy Canada!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Impending deliveries....

Hi again!  Dr. Eichkorn here...

For those of you whom haven't already heard, I am now officially on maternity leave for the summer!  Yes...that's right...MATERNITY LEAVE!!

There have been a lot of surprised faces during this heartworm season when clients have been in for annual vaccines and check-ups or picking up heartworm medications!!  The belly has become quite obvious!!   Surprise!  lol  :<)

My fiance Cary and I are pleased and excited to announce she is due on June 15th!  Yes...We know already that it's a girl and are absolutely delighted!   Watch this space for more details once she arrives!  Here's hoping all goes smoothly and that labour isn't as bad as some of the stories I've heard!  :<)

Anyway...the plan is to be off until the end of September and then be back for a couple (maybe 2) days a week in the Fall...This is provided that the baby (and the fiance!) are co-operative!

If any clients would like to contact me on a non-urgent basis while I am away (I'm sure I will be at the clinic often anyway with baby in tow!), you can try me at   Can't guarantee how promptly I'll be able get back to you but I will certainly be checking this e-mail fairly regularly.

Well...that's about it for news for now!  Hope you are all well and have picked up your heartworm medication for the season.  It is sure to be a doozy of a year for mosquitos if this rain keeps up!

Here's hoping for sun...and a healthy baby!
Wish me luck...

Dr. Carolyn

P.S.  Couldn't resist adding a bit of veterinary humour!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Here come the Mosquitoes

Well, its that time of year again.  Don't forget to come in and pick up your heartworm medication.  This medication helps in preventing the awful heartworm disease.  The mosquitoes this year are going to be exceptionally crazy due to all of the standing water.  Even if your pet stays mostly indoors, it is so important to make sure they are protected.  Those nasty little critters get inside your home too.  The medication always starts on the last day of May and continues until the end of October. 

Friday, April 1, 2011


Hi everyone....Dr. Eichkorn here making an attempt at 'blogging'....

Can you believe that Spring finally seems to be making its' appearance??  Yayy!

Unfortunately, the disappearance of the snow also means the appearance of those darn TICKS!!  Is your dog protected??

In addition to having a huge 'gross out' factor, ticks, and more specifically deer ticks, are carriers of Lyme Disease and a second tick-borne disease called Anaplasmosis.   Lyme disease is an emerging concern in Manitoba and we are now finding more dogs testing positive for Lyme on our multi-component heartworm tests than are testing positive for heartworm.  We are doing a great job with our heartworm preventatives but we have lots of room for improvement with prevention of our tick-borne diseases.

Lyme disease prevention comes in 2 main forms:
1.  Prevent the ticks from attaching to your dog.
2.  Vaccination.

We have 3 options for tick control that we currently recommend:

1.  Revolution:  Usually considered as a heartworm prevention (which it is!), started early in the season (mid-April to early May) Revolution provides quite good protection against ticks.
2.  Preventic collars:  These new-age veterinary exclusive collars work much better than tick collars of the past.  One collar applied properly should provide 90 days (ie. a whole season) of tick coverage.  Simple and effective....
3.  Advantix:  Another spot-on topical product that seems to work well against ticks...Cost effective and easy to apply.

Also, there is a new, more protective vaccine against Lyme that we are now carrying at the clinic.  Please ask us for more information on this new great vaccine...We are more than happy to help!  As the puppy above would suggest...hurry in before those darn ticks become an issue for this year!!

Well...that's about it for the spring update....It has been a busy season for me...Been raising a litter of 6 busy chocolate labradors since early February.  There are still 2 gorgeous females available...They are now 8 weeks old and ready for their new homes.   Please call or e-mail the clinic if you'd like more details.  I'll attach a few photos to this posting...if I can figure out how!  :<)

Enjoy the nice weather!  
Dr. Carolyn

Monday, February 28, 2011

WOOOOOF! Beanie Babies have arrived!

Dr. Eichkorn is pleased to announce the arrival of a whole posse of chocolate labrador puppies!!  2 males, 6 females to be exact!

Mom (Beans) is doing wonderfully and has taken to motherhood like 'a duck to water'.
The puppies are growing like bad weeds and are soooo cute...but poop A LOT according to Dr. Eichkorn!!

If you might be interested in one of these fuzzy bundles 'o' love, please contact the clinic ASAP.  Several puppies are already spoken for and we're hoping it won't take long to find great homes for the rest of the crew!   They will be ready to go to their new forever homes at the end of March!   Perfect timing for a spring puppy and housetraining!!

That was then....This is now (below!)....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looking for a friend?

We have the solution! WinRose Animal Hospital currently has 2 cats up for adoption!! Please come and visit Pete and Bobby. Both cats are neuters, vaccinated and dewormed. The adoption fee of $79 goes towards the care already provided and their food & accomodations while they wait for you to come adopt them!! Here are their stories:

Hi there! My name is “Bobby Labonta”. I am a very rambunctious cat who loves to cuddle. I like other cats and love to play with them. I have not been exposed to a lot of dogs, but think they will be okay. I really like being an indoor cat so I do not have to worry about being hit by a car again. Please ask to see me I would love to meet you!

Hi there! My name is ‘Pete” and I’d love to be your friend! I was found cold and hungry trying to sneak my way into Sobey’s early one morning and ended up being taken next door Winrose Animal Hospital. They gave me a warm bed and lots of good food to eat. As much as I love it here I would like to find a home and family of my own.

Please call, email, or better yet, come in to inquire about us!!

Call: 254-3150 ~ email: ~ visit: 534 St.Anne's Road
visit our website for hours of operation for visiting 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changes are a coming!

If you have driven by our clinic lately you have noticed that the building has a new sign!
On January 31st the Reader Board sign will be coming down.

Don't worry, we are still here for you and your furry friends!

Our new sign will be up shortly on the southeast corner of the parking lot.

Stop by and let us know what you think. While you are here, please ask us to visit our new cat friends that are looking for loving homes.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 brings lots of news to Winrose!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!  We wish you all the best in 2011!

2011 brings lots of news and excitement at our hospital....

You may have noticed that we have some new signs on the building...soon to follow is a new sign for the parking lot!  Keep your eyes open for it in  the next month or so!

Lots of baby news at the hospital as well...

Megan, one of our fabulous receptionists, just returned from maternity leave.  Hard to believe her daughter Camryn is already a year old!

Rhonda, one of our appointment technicians, is the proud new mom to a little boy named Niko who was born in December...We hear her other son Jack is a proud new older brother!

Also, Dr. Torevell is now off on maternity leave until approximately May.  She is expecting her baby later this month....We wish her all the best for a safe and easy delivery and will keep you posted on her baby announcement when available.

Also expecting lots of furry kids in about a month or so is our dear furry friend 'Beans'...Those of you who have been at the hospital recently may have noticed her expanding waistline and enlarging mammary glands!!   She is due to have her chocolate 'Beanie Babies' at the beginning of February.  If you are interested in a puppy, or know anyone who is, please let Dr. Eichkorn know at the hospital.  Knowing Bean's wonderful temperament, they are sure to be spoken for quickly.

While we're on the subject of about a quick lesson on doggie reproduction?

Did you know that dogs are one of the only species that has only 2 fertile periods (we call them heat cycles!) in a year and that she is only fertile for a few days within those heat cycles?

Did you know that a litter of puppies can have puppies fathered by 2 different males?   If a female (bitch) is bred is by 2 different males during her peak fertile period, it is possible that some of the eggs will be fertilized by each male and thus the puppies will have 2 different dads!

Did you know that the 'gestation period' for puppies is a mere 63 days?   We were able to confirm Bean's pregnancy with our ultrasound machine at 30 days of pregnancy and we will be taking an x-ray this week to see just how many cute little bundles of love will be arriving soon.

Well...that's about it for 'puppy trivia' for today!
I hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying our crisp Manitoba winter!
Stay tuned for more baby news coming soon!
Dr. Carolyn