Friday, July 1, 2011

She's here!!

Hello all...and Happy Canada Day!!

Dr. Eichkorn here again...

Well...I have now been off on maternity leave for an entire month and can honestly say I don't know where the time has gone....

As for the 'big' announcement on our new 'little' arrival...

Grace Michaela arrived in fine style on her due date, June 16th, at 1:18 in the morning weighing in at a substantial 8 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long!!

Mom and Dad and baby are all doing great and the 2 furry kids (ie. Beans and Sierra) seem to be adjusting well to their little human buddy....

I hope you are all beginning to enjoy some of the nice weather we've finally been having and that you all have a spectacular Canada Day!!  Yayy Canada!!